Laudato Si' and Fratelli Tutti

Laudato Si' - a message from Pope Francis

The chaplains at St John Fisher have been so moved by the message from Pope Francis that they wanted to do something about it at school with the younger pupils. They planned, and led a collective worship, to educate others and share the message from Pope Francis that we all need to listen to and act on.  

The chaplains wrote a St John Fisher ECO whole school code, in response to the Pope's message. As a school and community, if we all do these things, we can make a difference. 

Helen Morgan (YR 6) wrote a poem to reflect how she was feeling.

As a school, we are focused on helping improve our environment. When we planned our curriculum, we ensured to embed an ECO thread across the Geography themes and every year group has an ECO theme at some point during the year. We have promoted the word of Pope Francis and are keen for the pupils and community to do so too. Working together we can all make a difference and help save our planet. 

The pupils and families at St John Fisher are doing a number of things to help:

ECO warriors support across all the classes to follow our ECO code
collecting pens for recycling
collecting batteries for recycling
conservation area - our 'quiet/reflection' space, with an area to grow vegetables, a wildflower meadow and mini-beast hotel
green wall planted along the fence by the street and around the Nursery fence, helping reduce the pollution in the air.

Collective Worship

We also carried out a collective worship on the Pope's letters to the people. 

Fratelli Tutti

As a school, St John Fisher works hard to follow the message from Pope Francis, to take care of the common good. We try to 'approach', 'speak' and 'listen' and come to know and understand one another, in all our diversity, in order to create a culture of 'encounter'. As Pope Francis said, "we are a single family, living in a 'common home'."